Because there's really no limit to ego gratification when you've got a spot to spout with your name on it.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Now who on earth is this guy??!!

This time I have no idea, but I like one of his particular posts, this being holiday time and everything, and my feelings about religion being that it should be avoided at all costs, because it will always end up costing you something, here's a guy I found kinda interesting, despite his horrible spelling and syntax errors. We'll let that slide, as I believe he's very likely not a native English speaker. Well, here he is, propounding his theory of Life, the Universe, and Everything...Srini. Take it,Srini.


Jeevanin Sahaa said...


This is srini here, and its nice to see someone appreciating my spelling mistakes and sytax errors. Wish you corrected them for me... :o)


Anonymous said...

that would have taken way more time than i'm willing to put in. still, i understood what you were saying and appreciated the insight you had. don't take the literary criticism, uh, literally, mate. i put your picture up to give you credit for your ideas. if you would rather remain anonymous, you might want to consider removing your picture from your site. or if you'd like me to remove your picture from mine, let me know and back into obscurity you go.congrats on your 1 year anniversary & best of luck. namaste.

Jeevanin Sahaa said...

Im always ready to learn things in life and especially from a prodigy like you, it's a pleasure to know about such things. wish I get more tips from you to enhance the blog with additional codings if possible. thanks for your wishes. namaste.