Because there's really no limit to ego gratification when you've got a spot to spout with your name on it.

Friday, December 7, 2007


On a totally unrelated topic, here's the thing about iPhones: if you're kind of a computer nerd/geek and loves all your fancy gadgets and doodads, and if you have pretty large (at least to me) chunk of change burning a hole in your pocket, and if you have a ton of MP3s and/or CDs and want to be able to play them on the same thingy that you use for a phone and a datebook, if you want to be able to check your e-mail from anywhere and get GPS directions to get there from here, and if you want to be able to see good quality moving images (some would call those videos), the thing is screaming your name.

On the other hand, a guy at my store told me his wife asked for one for Christmas and she's never been able to figure out how to get on the internet, doesn't have any MP3s, doesn't know how to download anything and doesn't have e-mail. I asked him what she thought she was going to use it for besides just making calls. He said she'd probably give up, then give it to him and he got a big smile on his face. Ohhhhh...but she decided she didn't want one after all. Oh well, dude.
I have to admit, seeing a couple people's iPhones did give me a slight case of I-want-its, but not enough to shell out my barely eked-out pittance of a paycheck to buy one. And the voice quality of what's really a fancy shmancy cell phone with a crapload of doodads still leaves something to be desired. Plus you're stuck with the one carrier and they've got you by the short and curlies so far.

The decision is up to you, but that's the argument and counter-argument in a nutshell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't want one until I saw my sisters and she actually showed me some of I'm salivating and plotting how to get my hands on one...of course, I do hate that you have to sign a two year contract with at&t for service. That sucks.