Because there's really no limit to ego gratification when you've got a spot to spout with your name on it.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

almost friday lambie

i love sheep. not in the biblical sense. i just think they're cute. yeah, it's silly. so what?

this one is my wallpaper on my computer. it's a romney lamb. no relation to mitt romney or george romney.

if you've got a cute picture of a sheep or a lamb, let me know. maybe it will be the next lamb of the week.

they're better than kitties. who wants to milk a cat? and would you eat kitty cheese? really!!!

and i've already heard all the really perverted, disgusting shepherd jokes. must be reallllly lonely in some parts of new zealand.or yorkshire. or pittsburgh. and who would know where to get those special boots? yuk.

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